Come to me, all you who labor and are burdened, and I will give you rest.
Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am meek and humble of heart;
and you will find rest for yourselves.
For my yoke is easy, and my burden light.
This is Jesus' invitation to discipleship in Matthew 11:28-30.
Father Patrick M. Crino, Pastor
It is intended for homes, schools, convents, institutions, parishes, dioceses, cities, states and nations. Newlyweds and those contemplating marriage are especially invited to place their homes in the heart of Christ in this manner, thereby assuring themselves of special graces when dealing with everyday problems and difficulties.
It stabliizes the family, the foundation of the church and state; whoever rules the family rules society. It sanctifies the family, creates in the home the Catholic atmosphere and the spirit of piety, fosters vocations to the higher life, brings back the wayward members, helps and consoles the members in time of trial, mourning, etc. In short, it makes the home thoroughly Christian.
The family makes arrangements with St. Thomas Enthronement coordinator, Brenda Lloyd at [email protected]. She will schedule a suitable date and time. If possible, participants should try to attend a parish Mass and receive Holy Communion the morning of the Enthronement. Those attending Mass are inviting Jesus to their home as an act of love and reparation.
Soon after your Enthronement date is confirmed, the Enthronement team will present the family with a comprehensive preparation packet. This will walk through the necessary series of specific steps that will make the home enthronement space truly 'ready'. It also includes recommendations regarding inviting friends and family, hosting a gathering following the ceremony, and how to integrate children (even the youngest) into the activities.Note: On the first Sunday of each month, priests will bless images of the Sacred Heart at all Masses.
Now! Because American families need the help of the Sacred Heart more than ever.
To arrange an Enthronement ceremony in your home, you may sign up in person at the Parish Mission on November 17, 18, or 19, email Brenda Lloyd at [email protected] OR better yet, complete the short registration form below:Requests of the Sacred Heart to St. Margaret Mary
Acknowledge Jesus as your King
Place an image of the Sacred Heart in your home
Consecrate your heart to the Sacred Heart of Jesus Make reparation to Jesus for indifference and hostility to Him
Live a life of love and confidence in Him
Make the Sacred Heart of Jesus better known and loved Increase devotion to the Holy Eucharist
Celebrate First Fridays