Come to me, all you who labor and are burdened, and I will give you rest.
Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am meek and humble of heart;
and you will find rest for yourselves.
For my yoke is easy, and my burden light.
This is Jesus' invitation to discipleship in Matthew 11:28-30.
Father Patrick M. Crino, Pastor
Someone who knows nothing about the Catholic faith - who has never heard of the Eucharist; who has never been to a Catholic Mass before -- should be able to come to St. Thomas the Apostle Parish on any given Sunday and see the way the Eucharist is handled, revered and worshipped and be able to say, "I don't know what that is, but there's something special about that."
We are all called to evangelize, and thanks to the gift of the Holy Spirit, we are well-equipped for this mission. It may not mean spreading the Gospel in a foreign land or going door-to-door with the Good News—and it may require overcoming some fears—but the Lord is asking each of us to step out of our comfort zone and evangelize one-on-one.
There is someone in your life right now whom Jesus longs to call to himself. He wants to spark a relationship with them and bless them with his sacraments. In this Year of Mission, Catholics across the U.S. are saying “yes” to a special form of heart-to-heart accompaniment called the Walk With One initiative.
This is your opportunity to be God’s instrument in the life of another person. Imagine how our families, neighborhoods, and country will be transformed if every active Catholic answers this call!
By virtue of our Baptismal calling, the Lord is sending each of us to give witness to his saving love.
Where do I start with inviting someone to take a step closer to Jesus? How might I invite them forward in their faith? Here’s a simple four-stage process of accompaniment that focuses on a “heart-to-heart” approach.
Identify someone in a spirit of humility
Intercede for that person in communion with the Holy Spirit
Connect in Eucharistic friendship
Invite that person on a path most suitable for him or her
This Eucharistic Examen is designed to be used as part of each person's “Walk with One” journey.
Throughout each stage of the journey, pray this examen to help you discern the path the Lord is calling you to follow in accompanying another person toward Jesus.